Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Graceful Holiday - Series IV
Fellowship Begins at Home

This is your day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24

Prayer for today:
I pray that God’s light will fill your home with abundant peace, prosperity, gladness and most of all love.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen

Reflection Corner:
We live in a world where there is homework, sports, class activities, etc. and the time spent with family is often overlooked because we are on the fast train that we can’t seem to jump off.  I know sometimes quiet time and refuge from this fast pace to fellowship with our family is the most rewarding activity that we can give to them.  My son, Govan is in college and my daughter, Lauren is in high school.  Time goes by fast, and before you know it they are leaving the nest.  I want my children to remember our times together, whether it was our pizza nights and slumber parties together in the basement, or times we spent at the breakfast table on weekends, these are memories that I will cherish forever and I know in my heart they will too. 

During my first book tour for Celebrations for the Soul, I did presentations on hospitality for your family.  I encouraged the participants to think out of the box when it came to creating a hospitable home environment for their family.  Many people came to me after the session, to say that they were blessed by the message.  One mother said that her family lives in such a fast pace with activities that they never get time to spend with their families after school because they all get in so late.  We brainstormed for a few moments and came up with the idea to have dessert time with her family, since they couldn’t seem to make the dinner time at the table together.  This was a lightbulb  moment for her and she walked away with hope.
Our families appreciate time spent together in fellowship, it is something they will carry on to their families.  God has gifted us with families, let’s embrace it and be the beacon of light to show them unconditional love and hospitality.

Take time during this season to spend one-on-one with your family as you create traditions and embrace the beauty of this time.  

Activity Inspiration
Sweets & Treats (Fellowship Time)
Can you imagine, it’s 8pm and everyone is home, homework is done, bath time is behind you and everyone has their pajama’s on.  You call your family downstairs and they see a special table for them made by you filled with their special treats.  They all gather around with great excitement and as parents you share what this season means to you and how much you love your children.  You take the time to light candles that are on the table to let your children know that it signifies the light of Christ.  You then proceed to pray together and share and fellowship with the family that God has bestowed upon you over special treats. (i.e. a hot chocolate bar with special treats would be fun).   I don’t know about you, but this gets me a lot of brownie points with my family and at the end of the day, we are all blessed by it.  Whether you have children, or you may be single with roommates, this can be a special time sharing and fellowship with the ones that you love.  Remember hospitality begins at home.

1.    What can you reveal from your heart during this special time together?
2.    What scripture, poem or message can you recite to engage conversation on the blessings of family, the season, God’s love, etc.?
3.    What special treats will you bring out (Please note you do not have to be Betty Crocker, the real meaning is the gathering together of your family)?
4.    How can you incorporate this time throughout the upcoming year?

Peace and blessings!


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