Wednesday, September 10, 2014

We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

God's Handiwork

Years ago, I started praying to God to be used to glorify him.  I knew what my gifts and talents were but I wasn't sure how I could glorify Him in my works.  After much prayer, meditation and reflection He blessed me with the Spiritual Gift of Hospitality and it has given me so much purpose in my life.   It is truly a wonderful feeling to know what God has put you on this earth to do.  I try to get up everyday, hopeful and fully aligned with God and do the best that I can do with the assignments that he gives me.  Some days, I do not move with him, but my heart starts tugging at me and I quickly know to make the shift to get back on target.  This way of living brings me so much peace.   As we go into the new season of Fall (my favorite time of year),  I am excited and thrilled beyond belief of the work that God has before me.  I hope and pray that you reflect on what your gifts and talents are and start sharing them with the world.  Peace and blessings to you!    


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