Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Years Eve - Shining Your Light & Creating a Tablescape for New Year's Eve HD Video

Happy New Year!!!

Wow, we are coming to the end of 2014 already.  This year my faith has grown so much in what God has done in my life.  From my brothers near death experience and his healing, to the birthing of my new book A Breath of Grace, my new tv show Favored Living, God has shown up and shown out. I reminds me of my mentor Linda Higgison, when she said "Leap and the Net Shall Appear" ... when you take a step in walking towards what God has put on your heart, He will take Leaps and Bounds for you.  I give him all the Glory and Praise!

As you prepare for your New Year's Eve Celebrations, remember to shine God's light in all that you do.  I pray for each and everyone of you that you have grown through your trials and triumphs, and that you have blossomed because of them.  I pray for peace, goodwill and all that is good to come into your life as you move into 2015.  I'm so excited for what God is doing in my life for 2015 and yours as well!!! Dream big!!!

Be blessed!

With love,


Monday, December 8, 2014

A Sweets & Treats Warm and friendly hosting tips for the holidays! HD 2

I have created a Sweets & Treats themed setting for that simple holiday celebration that is warm, inviting and comfortable for your guests.  Enjoy and God Bless!

With love,


Monday, November 3, 2014

Thanksgiving & Gracious Hospitality with Dedra Faine

As we walk into the holiday season, I will be providing videos that will give ideas on great ways to host your guests this holiday season.  I am excited to present my first video - "Thanksgiving & Gracious Hospitality" hope you enjoy it.  I would love to hear what you are doing to encourage and inspire your guests this holiday season.  Enjoy and be blessed!

Love you all,


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

30 Days of Grace with Celebrations from the Soul #GracingUP

Welcome to 30 Days of Grace, where we will be celebrating a few of the things we are thankful for and see value in this holiday season. Celebrate with us and post your own pictures using the hashtags #GracingUp and #30DaysofGrace.  

Join the movement that empowers you to empower others! 

Grace (v): do honor or credit to someone or something by one’s presence; elevate

What is #GracingUp? You.
Who is #GracingUp? 

#GracingUp is the mother who serves as entertainer and hostess of her children’s birthday party.
#GracingUp is the bachelor who finds pride in hosting a  gathering of close friends for Sunday Football.
#GracingUp is the everyday philanthropist who serves their community simply for the joy of helping others, by serving those that you invite into your home and  touching those in your community, selflessly you reach others’  innermost being –their spirit.

#GracingUp moves through spirit. As you touch the spirits of others through servitude – your gifts transpire into the spirits of others.

Be a part of the #GracingUp movement to walk with a heart of love, servitude and kindness!

The #GracingUp App Coming in Spring 2015 allows all of #GracingUp to elevate one another through photo collages, short journals and videos on your daily, weekly, monthly or yearly acts of grace. Be a part of the movement of service. It seems we have become so connected, that we’re disconnected.

- Let’s start taking less #selfies and more 


Monday, October 27, 2014

Table setting layout from Celebrations from the Soul!

The holiday season is around the corner and before you know it you will be hosting people in your home.  During Thanksgiving, when we come together to give thanks to God for his grace and mercy in our lives throughout the year, often times, we are gathered together on this special day, around our tables.  With that said, you want to make your table extra special where everyone can walk away feeling inspired and encouraged.  Also, you want to set your table in a proper manner.  We have created a table setting layout from Celebrations from the Soul to help you in that process.  In my new book, A Breath of Grace, Embracing the Spiritual Gift of Hospitality there are a lot of tips that will help you in your table setting preparation.    (   

Through out the season we will be sharing videos, stories and examples that will hopefully inspire you in your gracious hosting.  Be blessed!

Love you all,


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thankful for this opportunity to share pieces of my story with you. A Breath of Grace, Embracing the Spiritual Gift of Hospitality coming out in November!! #GracingUP #ABreathofGrace #WendellPierce #PastorDeniseWilson #Thankful

Love you all,


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Breath of Grace, Embracing the Spiritual Gift of Hospitality - Pre-order

I'm excited to launch my new book, A Breath of Grace, Embracing the Spiritual Gift of Hospitality.  It has been eight long years since my first book and at times I didn't know if this was going to come to fruition.  Through the grace of God it did and I'm so excited.  What I have realized that in these eight years, God was giving me my story and it didn't come one second too soon, it is right on time and I give him all the Glory and Praise!

The book is currently on and you can pre-order your copy.  Keep a look out for upcoming book signings!  Thank you for your support!  

Love you all,


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Top Fall Tablescape Inspirations from Celebrations from the Soul

Fall is absolutely my favorite season.  It comes with the excitement of a new year of school, Sunday football games gathered with family and friends, the changing of the leaves, and the crisp air that nips at you but softens with the gleam of the sun.  It’s a new season full of hope and harvest.  There is something about this time that gets my creative juices flowing. 

One of my favorite things to do is to create beautiful tablescapes and finding all of the details to tell a story.  Whether it is nature, flowers, tableware accents, scriptures, personal stories, etc. I can be inspired.

I have found some beautiful examples that will hopefully inspire you this season.  As you prepare your home, remember to do it all with love and your guests will be blessed.  I am thankful for each and every one of you and I pray that you will be blessed by the beauty of the season.  

Inspiration #1

This is a pretty place card made with asparagus, fall leaf and burlap.  I love the rustic look and it embodies the essence of the fall season.

Inspiration #2

This cute knick knack is a great creative way to serve specialty items when hosting.  I love the beautiful dark olive green, it's the perfect backdrop for the olives.  It just shouts ~ It's the Fall Season and let's Celebrate! They come in a set of four.

Inspiration #3

You must include hot apple cider when hosting for this beautiful season.  It also happens to be my favorite hot drink that warms me from the inside out.,

Inspiration #4

I love the jewel tones of these glasses.  It's the perfect compliment to a Fall tablescape.

Inspiration #5

Last but not least, this season is all about being thankful.  This pillow is a perfect staple to display in your home.  Nextdoortoheaven on

I am so thankful for this time of year. Happy Fall!  

Much love,


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

God's Handiwork

Years ago, I started praying to God to be used to glorify him.  I knew what my gifts and talents were but I wasn't sure how I could glorify Him in my works.  After much prayer, meditation and reflection He blessed me with the Spiritual Gift of Hospitality and it has given me so much purpose in my life.   It is truly a wonderful feeling to know what God has put you on this earth to do.  I try to get up everyday, hopeful and fully aligned with God and do the best that I can do with the assignments that he gives me.  Some days, I do not move with him, but my heart starts tugging at me and I quickly know to make the shift to get back on target.  This way of living brings me so much peace.   As we go into the new season of Fall (my favorite time of year),  I am excited and thrilled beyond belief of the work that God has before me.  I hope and pray that you reflect on what your gifts and talents are and start sharing them with the world.  Peace and blessings to you!    


Monday, August 18, 2014

In Memory of Mary Basil "Aunt Mutt"

This post is in memory of my lovely Great-Aunt Mary Basil who we all affectionately called "Aunt Mutt". Her life and legacy was a true testament to this beautiful scripture As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10  She transitioned at the ripe age of "94" and each day she used her gift of sharing God's grace and love that was a true blessing to all that she encountered. Aunt Mutt was the epitome of a hospitable disciple and will always be a shining example for my life.

With love,

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Back to School - Fall 2014!

Back to School Party Ideas

Summer vacation is winding down fast and before we know it our children will be off to school.  I don’t know about you, but this summer went by really fast.  My two children both will be juniors this fall (one in college and one in high school).  It is bittersweet because I know that in a couple of years, we are going to be empty nesters and quite frankly the feeling is kind of scary, my babies will be grown up and will fly out of this nest that we have created for them.  However, at the same time it is exciting because of what God has for them so I am filled with hope.

I often think of when we moved to New Orleans when my daughter was in Pre-K and my son was in the third grade.  They both attended Metairie Park Country Day School.  The first day of school was exciting and scary for all of us because we were new to the school and city and did not know anyone.  I remember when we walked into the school, my dear friend Karen Cooper greeted us with excitement and invited us to go to lunch with her family.  What a way to start the school year, because after that we met many new friends, Andrea Fagan, Toni Orrill and Heather Rittenburg who all opened their hearts and homes to our family.   All of these families have become our lifetime friends.  That was the beginning of the love and hospitality we received upon our arrival to the great city of New Orleans.

Over the years, I started hosting “Back to School Parties” along with the other mothers at our school.  This often alleviated the first day anxiety of having to reconnect with old and new friends.  It was always a blessing to see their excitement while coming together as a community.  I have found great examples to give you ideas on how to throw together a “Back to School Party” for your children.  Remember to invite new members of your community, it will mean the world to them.

I pray that your children will have a blessed year, filled with love, adventure, new friends and wonderful teachers that will inspire them.  I pray for a hedge of protection over them and that they will have a year full of God’s love and light, In Jesus’ name. Amen!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Welcoming Table

Developing practices within your home where you have rituals that honor and bring the light of Christ provides a platform that establishes a home that thrives with love.  When I was growing up, my parents strongly believed that children should have routines.  They established routines for us even when we were young adults, where we came together and sat at the table for dinner every night and breakfast on weekends.  My parents thought it was very important for us to commune, pray, eat and share our thoughts and daily activities.  I think one of the biggest impacts for me was the act of bringing us all to the table it allowed us to lay a foundation in our lives that encouraged prayer and family time.  This is something that my family cherished over the years and it has now extended into our next generation.   By bringing us to the table together, we learned how to pray and give thanksgiving to God, we learned good table manners, we shared family history and skills that we can take out into the world.  Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, your children like olive plants around your table. Psalm 128:3  The simple acts and lessons at the table, are phenomenal blessings that we can extend to our family, roommates and our guests.  Summer time is the perfect time to gather around our tables to pray, commune and share the love of Christ.  Have a wonderful summer and be blessed!

Much love,    

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Virginia Living TV Entertaining Angels Host Angela Knight Interviews Dedra Faine, Celebrations from the Soul on The Gift of Hospitality

As I walk on this journey to teach the gift of hospitality I am humbled by the people that God is putting in my path.  I am grateful to Virginia Living TV to come out to my home to do the interview.  Each day my prayer is to glorify God as I go about my day.  As my mom always said, I am not where I want to be but thank God I'm not where I use to be.  Please pray for me as I continue this journey to teach the Gift of Hospitality and I pray that you will be blessed by the message.    
Peace and blessings, 


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Prayer ... It Causes Miracles
The Prayer of Healing

My brother Forrest and I are extremely close and when he is not feeling well, it totally grips at my heart.  We call each other “Twin” because growing up everyone use to say we looked just alike and our souls are connected.  This past month Forrest has been in the hospital at some points he was in the ICU.  Needless to say, when he is in pain, my heart hurts immensely.

In looking back over my faith walk and understanding the power of prayer, one of my first instances of prayer that I saw God move was with Forrest.  Years ago, when Forrest lived in Miami he called me and said that he wasn’t feeling well with some desperation in his voice.  I will never forget that night, when I fell on my knees, with all of my faith and prayed to God to make my brother feel better.  The next morning I called him and he was singing to me and was in great spirits. That was my first real testimony in seeing God’s healing power through prayer.

Three weeks ago I received a call that said Forrest wasn’t doing well and was in the ICU.  My friend Lisa and I was at a board meeting together and we decided to hit the road to go and see Forrest.  For some reason that day my heart was so heavy and I couldn’t shake the feeling of possibly losing my brother.  It was all so clear to me of who he is in my life and the joy and sunshine that he brings to me and my family and the thought of losing him was like taking a piece of my heart.  Honestly, it was one of the moments where I was feeling desperate.  I’ll never forget Lisa said it will take us three hours to get there so by the time we get there, we are going to pray through this and we will rejoice because he is still here.   (Thank you Lisa for being by my side that day – it was truly a gift from God)! 

On our three hour journey we prayed, sang old time hymns, told stories and came to the conclusion that Forrest would be saying to me, “Get yourself together Dedra and come to visit me with a heart shining with the love of Christ.”  I rallied all of my prayer warriors (friends, family, bible study sisters, etc.) to join us on the battlefield because we had some work to do.   After our three hour drive, I got out of the car to visit my brother and the heaviness that was on my heart was lifted and God’s love and light was in full effect.  I walked into the hospital and the Holy Spirit was moving through me and I was on a mission to pray my brother back to health.  I remember walking into the room and seeing him at such a vulnerable state and knowing that prayer without ceasing was our only way through this. 

I prayed fervently over my brother that day, pleading that by Jesus’ stripes he is healed.  I moved my hands over his body from head to toe with the Holy Spirit leading me.  I prayed over the nurses, the doctors, visitors and the room itself.  Talking about faith building and life changing, that particular day is etched in my heart forever.    I learned that day, to never be desperate and to walk in peace knowing that God is in control.

Forrest has a wonderful story to tell and he believes that God is using his testimony to bring people closer to him.  I truly believe that you all will hear him tell his story one day.  His story encompasses how God works in your life and even when things may look bleak or sometimes hopeless in the eyes of man, because of Gods unconditional love for us he can change things for the good.   28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Roman 8:28  

Forrest is a loving human being with a giving spirit and God is continuing to use him even while he is recovering in the hospital.  He told me the other day that God said to be his light in the hospital.  He has been praying over nurses and patients even while he continues to recover himself.  Here is what I know for sure, God can use you no matter where you are in your life.

Through this experience, my relationship with God has grown, my faith is stronger and my purpose is even clearer.  Most of all my love for my sisters and brothers is deeper.   Siblings Day was celebrated over a week ago and I was travelling and couldn’t give my “Daniel 5” their shout outs.  I love each and every one of my siblings … Angela, Corlessia, JD & Forrest with all of my heart and soul.  I have always said that I was blessed to be the youngest of this fabulous crew because I learned from the best.  I am truly blessed by each and every one of them.

Life is precious, love deeply, love with passion and always forgive one another and let God’s love shine.  Forrest is continuing his road of recovery, I humbly ask that you continue to lift my precious brother up in prayer!

With love,

Monday, April 14, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring 2014

11 For, lo, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone; 12 the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in our land; Solomon 2:11-12

Spring time is the awakening of our spirit after a long winter's nap.  It is bright sunny mornings when birds are chirping and you rise with wonder and excitement for what this glorious season will bring.  I often think of spring time when I was a young girl at my Grandmother Marlow’s home.  I think of the beautiful trees outside of our bedroom window where the sweet chirps of the birds filled the air.  I think of awakening to the sunshine gleaming through our window kissing our faces after a night of slumber.  I love how this season embodies the rebirth of Jesus Christ.  The love and hope that it brings is wonderful for our souls. 

This past winter has been long and steady.  Throughout the many snow storms that we have encountered, I constantly reminded myself that this was God’s way of allowing us to nest and take the time to get ourselves centered and focused on him.  I think of my cousins from Pennsylvania and how they use to sing “Get your Heart Right with God,” and how that always stuck with me.  I am happy to say that this cold winter allowed me to sit and be quiet to listen and convene with my Heavenly Father.  My soul has been restored, my heart is in the right place and I am now entering into this new season walking fully in God's grace and love.  I am eternally grateful for this winter and am equally thankful for the hope that this new season of spring brings.  For this is our time to blossom and share what God has planted in our hearts.  Just like he does it for the beautiful flowers and trees, he will do it for you and me. 

Be blessed ~ Love,


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

If we all follow this simple and profound rule, the world would be a better place!